What you need

You need to bring your own laptop with the following software installed (see detailed instructions below)

Note: that the individual softwares may have some other dependencies, e.g. bedtools which you should have installed.

Course Material on Github

You need to download (or clone) the git repository EpigenomicsTutorial-ISMB2017. This repository contains all data to be used in the course, as well as solutions and scripts for some of the problems.


The following software packages need to be installed for running the tutorial:

R version 3.2 or higher.


You might need to install the following dependencies before installing histoneHMM.

Unix libraries:
  • lib-gcc
  • lib-gsl / lib-gsl-dev
  • openssh
R libraries:
  • Rcpp
  • optparse
  • GenomicRanges (bioconductor.org)
  • Rsamtools (bioconductor.org)
  • mvtnorm

The package was developed and tested using a linux system and R. To install the latest version of the package, open an R terminal and type in the following commands (using the ‘devtools’ package):

In the R terminal type the following:

install.packages("devtools") # if devtools is not yet installed

Now the latest version of histoneHMM should be installed on your system. In the tutorial, we will use the command-line interface to histoneHMM. In order for this to work smoothly, it would be best if you add the path to the histoneHMM script files to your $PATH variable (otherwise you’d have to specify the full path each time you call histoneHMM). You can find out the path you need to add by starting an R terminal and typing:

system.file("bin/", package="histoneHMM")

Which should yield something like this:

[1] "/home/[user-path]/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/3.2/histoneHMM/bin/"

Now you can add the directory indicated above to your PATH variable by calling:

export PATH=$PATH:/home/[user-path]/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/3.2/histoneHMM/bin/

If you want to make the histoneHMM command-line available to you everytime you log on to your system, make sure that the directory is added to the $PATH variable everytime you log on or create a new terminal (e.g. by modifying your ~/.bashrc).


To install HINT (RGT Suite), you are advised to use the Python package installer pip. First, make sure that the python version is 2.7 and download the pip installer get-pip.py and then install pip.

python get-pip.py

Next, install dependencies:

pip install --user cython numpy scipy
pip install --user https://github.com/fabioticconi/MOODS/tarball/pypi-ready

and finally install HINT and RGT suite.

pip install --user RGT

Alternatively, look at detailed instructions here.

You also need to download genome information for mouse genome mm10.

cd ~/rgtdata
python setupGenomicData.py --mm10

Note: for Mac user, we recommend to first install python and wget by using

brew install python
brew install wget


Instructions on installing IGV are available here. We advise you to download a binary distribution.



TEPIC requires:

  • bedtools
  • A C++ compiler supporting openmp, e.g. g++ (test with version 4.9.2)

To run the machine learning pipeline DYNAMITE, which is part of the TEPIC repository, we require the R libraries:

  • glmnet
  • doMC
  • gplots
  • ggplot2
  • reshape2
  • gridExtra

The TEPIC examples in the tutorial also require the mouse reference genome that was downloaded during the HINT setup.


Start a terminal and clone the TEPIC repository

git clone https://github.com/SchulzLab/TEPIC.git

Next, go to the folder


and type

bash compile_TRAP_install_R_packages.sh

to build the C++ component of TEPIC and install missing R packages.

If all dependencies mentioned above are available, no further installation steps are required.


To test the core functionality of TEPIC, go to the folder:


and run the example with the command::

./TEPIC.sh -g ../Test/example_sequence.fa -b ../Test/example_regions.bed -o TEPIC-Example -p ../PWMs/pwm_vertebrates_jaspar_uniprobe_original.PSEM -a ../Test/example_annotation.gtf -w 3000 -e FALSE

There should be three result files generated:

  • TEPIC-Example <date> Affinity.txt
  • TEPIC-Example <date> amd.tsv
  • TEPIC-Example <date> Peak_Features_Affinity_Gene_View_Filtered.txt

To test the logistic regression framework DYNAMITE, which will be used in the tutorial, go to the folder


and run the provided example by entering the command

bash runDYNAMITE.sh ./DYNAMITE.cfg

This will generate all output files that are described in the DYNAMITE documentation.

For further information, please see the TEPIC repository .